Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Webinar Tips

Dick Cavett, author and host of an intellectual talk show of the 60’s and 70’s gives some tips for politicians on the campaign trail.

These tips are also good things to remember when conducting a webinar:
  • Change all “I wills” and “I shalls” from the speech to “I’ll’; Also, “I haves” and “I ams” to “I’ve” and “I’m,” etc. You’d be surprised how much this cuts down on the oratory tone.
  • Pretend you are speaking to one person. One single person. Because that’s what everybody is. No one in the audience is an “all of you” or an “everyone” or a “those of you” or a “Hi, everybody,” and no one is a “ladies and gentlemen.” You, out there, are a “you.” So, speaker, think of yourself as being [listened] by only two [ears]. (Presumably on the same person.) The most magical word you can use, short of a person’s name, is “you.”


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