Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Our Future Workforce

I was shocked by an NPR story yesterday about the abysmal state of our national high school dropout rate. Reportedly, our rate of high school students who do not finish their studies now stands at over 40% for our nation's 50 largest cities. This is an astonishing figure!

The focus of this blog is business education. As we are faced with the challenge of remaining the world's leader in R&D, we need to put more money and effort into our public schools.

It is, after all, the age of the knowledge worker. How will we keep up with the rest of the planet?


Jason said...

I wonder how this statistic reacts with the fact that more and more people are going to college and earn degree both as young and middle-aged adults.

The high dropout rate may be more evidence of the classes in our society growing further apart.

Bob DeLaMartre said...

Very interesting observation, Jason.

As sad as it may be, this paradox may well be indicative of further division in our society.